How to Contribute
We are looking for content creators that want to help a good cause and get some exposure for their content.
Initially, we are only able to offer an opportunity for you to showcase your content to our ever-growing audience. NOW is the time that we need your help the most. We know that follow count will be low in the beginning as with any channel, but we also know that the more content creators get behind us, the more we will be able to support our content creators in the future.
The goal, is to be able to offer cash prizes to our weekly winners after the channel is well monetized.
Once you submit a video we will review the content and make our selections for content we think our audience will enjoy the most. We can only publish a limited number of videos each week, but if your video is selected, then it will be published on our channel for users to watch. After 1 week, the videos with the most Likes will collected into a Weekly Showcase video where we will promote your video and channel. We will promote videos from the Weekly Showcase on our social media and email blasts as well. Just another chance for a few more eyes on your content.
Videos that are selected for the Weekly Showcase will also be entered into the Video of the Year competition. Video of the Year will be run for the month of November each month. The top 5 videos will be featured in the Video of the Year Showcase video and promoted via social media throughout the entirety of the following year.
Registration is Coming Soon
✓ Early registrants get priority consideration
✓ stay updated on your videos success